Peterborough Fish & Game Association

Action Section

Action shooting is the practice of shooting at multiple targets, moving targets, targets that react when hit, penalty targets mixed-in, obstacle movement, and competitive tactics. It includes IPSC, IDPA, ICORE, USPSA and cowboy action

Action shooting uses only full pistol power (9 mm and above).

IPSC - International Practical Shooting Confederation

IPSC athletes need to blend accuracy, power, and speed into a winning combination. Multiple targets, moving targets, targets that react when hit, penalty targets, or even partially covered targets, obstacles, movement, competitive strategies, and other techniques are all a part of IPSC to keep competitors challenged and spectators engaged.

IDPA - International Defensive Pistol Association

IDPA is the use of practical equipment including full charge service ammunition to solve simulated real world self-defense scenarios using practical handguns and holsters that are suitable for self-defense use. The main goal is to test the skill and ability of an individual.

ICORE - International Confederation of Revolver Enthusiasts

ICORE combines elements of the Bianchi Cup, IPSC, and the Steel Challenge into demanding competition exclusively for revolvers. Scoring is based on time, including time added or subtracted per the ICORE scoring rules for shots fired at NRA D-1 targets. Falling and stationary steel plates can also be used in ICORE events.
ICORE Canada


American Version of IPSC

Cowboy Action

Relive old west gunplay and period dress, with your own cowboy alias
Cowboy Action


Effective immediately the CFO has mandated that a Range Officer must be present whenever ‘Dynamic Shooting’ is in progress. As a result the following addition has been made to the Action Section Rules:

4. A Range Officer must be present whenever 'Dynamic Shooting' is in progress.

  • Dynamic Shooting is when a shooter performs any physical movement (lateral, forward, or rearward) or changes positions (standing, kneeling, or prone) while shooting is in progress.
  • All Range Officers must have officially recognized Range Officer credentials (i.e. NROI, IROA) or successfully complete the PFGA Action Section Range Officer training.

ALL ACTION MEMBERS are required to complete a 50 question online Range Officer Exam to obtain a Range Officer certification within the PFGA Action Section.

Note: Completing the exam should take approximately 30 minutes. A grade of 90% of higher is required. A link to the Action Section Training Video is available while completing the Exam. You are allowed to attempt the exam more than once to receive a passing grade.

Only Action Section members are required to respond to the following online questionnaire/exam:
PFGA Action Section Range Officer Questionnaire