Peterborough Fish & Game Association

New Members

Want to join PFGA?

    • Membership applications which are incomplete, incorrect, or submitted without payment WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
    • Our membership year runs from October 1st to September 30th. If joining from October 1st to March 31st, please select “New Membership – Full Year” on your application. If joining after April 1st, please select “New Membership – Half Year” on your application.

  1. Wait for an email advising if your application has been accepted. New memberships are presented to the Board of Directors at our monthly board meetings.
    Note: Board meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month.

  2. If your application was accepted, you will receive a welcome email with instructions on how to complete your New Member Orientation Training.

    • Handgun and Rifle/Smallbore Training are often on the same day as Orientation
    • You can do Rifle/Smallbore training before orientation and are encouraged to do so, the Rifle course is on the calendar and usually the same day as orientation.
    • Do not attempt to use the facilities until you have attended this training session.

  3. Once you have completed your New Member Orientation Training, you will then be permitted to enroll in section training for the section(s) you wish to join.

  4. Upon successful completion of a sections training program, you will receive an endorsement permitting you to participate in that section unsupervised.
    Note: Members who have not completed their Orientation and Section training are NOT permitted to use the facility unsupervised.

  5. As part of the new member application process please submit a photo for each family member to be used for ID. Email your photo(s) to The photo does not need to be professional, it can be taken on your phone. It should look like a passport photo. Please stand in front of a plain, preferably light coloured, background and include your head and shoulders. You can smile or not, whichever you prefer. Your face needs to be clearly seen. Thank you.

Pay Online using Stripe

Instead of filling out the paper form you can use this link to fill out the form online and pay using Stripe. Stripe Online Membership Form